Tuesday, July 6, 2010

BHAGs (pronounced BEE-hag)

Do you have a Big Hairy Audacious Goal? I was introduced to this concept from my previous employer who promoted the books written by Jim Collins. Even though the book focuses on what makes companies great, I think the principles shared can be applied to the individual pursuit of personal excellence.

A BHAG is a form of vision statement "...an audacious 10-to-30-year goal to progress towards an envisioned future." "A true BHAG is clear and compelling, serves as unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a clear catalyst for team spirit. It has a clear finish line, so the organization can know when it has achieved the goal; people like to shoot for finish lines." —Collins and Porras, 1996

I am working on developing my own Big Hairy Audacious Goal which will encompass all the aspects which I am writing about in my book, but at this point I will share one stretch goal which pertains to my physical health and competitive spirit... I will compete in an IronMan Triathalon within the next 3 years. For those who may not be familiar it is a race consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike and a marathon run(26.2 miles) raced in that order and without a break.

At this point I don't know how I will accomplish the goal, I will work to find how I can fit the necessary training into my busy life. But, I know that stating a goal and working towards it is the first step. I welcome any who have met the IronMan challenge to share their experiences with me. It must be remembered that in our efforts to improve our personal best, we can gain from the experiences of others. I look forward to hearing yours.

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